Occupational Diseases
Обратно към Токсикология
Автори: Веселинка Несторова, Златка Паскалева, Господинка Пракова, Светлан Дерменджиев, Марияна Стойновска, Даниела Меджидиева.
Издателство:Медицински университет Варна
Издадена:2020 год.
Обем:180 стр.
Корица: мека
Англоезичният учебник по професионални заболявания е предназначен за студенти и специалисти в областта на здравеопазването.
This textbook provides basic contemporary knowledge on occupational and work-related diseases, ecopathology and occupational medicine and is intended for students and healthcare professionals.
The authors are leading university lecturers, experts, specialists and clinicians in the field of occupational health issues across the country and offer in-depth guidance on clinical aspects as well as legal and regulatory issues that affect the practice of occupational and environmental medicine today.
The content of the book is simplified and covers all the main topics of the occupational diseases required for student education while adhering to the approach for presenting the most important routines of workplace health in terms of occupational risk factors and their health effects.
Occupational Diseases
Occupational Pulmonary Diseases
Occupational Poisonings
Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Occupational Skin Diseases
Work-Related Cancer
Occupational Diseases Caused by Biological Risk Factors